Often, I sit on the cold, honey-pine floor and watch the sun rise through an east-facing window. Just outside, all manner of avian life take turn after impatient turn, relieving the feeders. I mull over the experiences my parents must of had at my age, and marvel at the vastness of knowledge they didn’t have…
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Perspectives from the Roof
Reader, let me share a moment, one that’s been brewing not just over months or years, but a lifetime. Recently, I noticed a vein pulsing at the edge of my vision—not out of strain, but awareness, a physical echo of the time I’ve felt slip by. Life’s moments ebb and flow, yet to those around…
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Heart, Unbroken
Like a number divided in half over and over, smaller and smaller still, the cracking gives way to breaking; my heart, though diminished, thrums with undiminished feeling. The fracture lines of my emotions trace back to a stark revelation—the world, unmasked, in its raw and unvarnished truth. The foundational beliefs I once held unassailable have…
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Through Open Windows
I find myself in a season akin to chaos. Greater, and still greater, changes stretch out before me, each clamoring for my attention, each asserting its own form of dominance. Shifts occurring, again and again, and again— my foundational blocks of knowledge’ how I perceive and interact with the world, becoming smooth, moving freely, becoming…
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Self: Found in Place
Asheville, North Carolina— the Blueridge Mountains. You hear about the transformative power of this place of course, but you’re immovable on the facts: it’s either not real or it’s something that won’t happen to you. While I can say through exhaustive research and personal experience, that’s true!, ‘that’s‘ also false. Imagine Schrödinger’s Cat— how you…
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Question 3.
You mentioned the transformative power of Asheville, North Carolina. Can you describe a specific moment or experience there that deeply resonated with you or changed your perspective? First we must proceed understanding that what we’re discussing here is deeply subjective to the person experiencing it. With that in mind… It calls to you, the flow…
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A Letter to You
Well met, I’m Basil. Whether you’re reading this for the first time or retracing your steps, the heartiest of greetings and jubilations for seeing you once again. I reckon if you are coming all the way back here there must be a reason. I wonder what it is. It must be something very important, something…
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